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WhatsApp tested QR feature to Add Contacts

Add Contacts Using WhatsApp QR Code Feature

WhatsApp’s latest beta version is giving users the option to add contacts by scanning QR codes. The support for QR Codes is actually available through a server-side update. This feature was under development and it will be available for normal users.

When you open this section, you see your QR Code, that you can share with your new friends, so they can easily add you on WhatsApp. When you share a QR Code with someone, you are obviously sharing your phone number too.


If you think that you’ve shared your QR Code with a wrong person or you’ve posted it in a wrong place, you can easily revoke the code. Yes, the Reset QR Code gives the possibility to remove your QR Code and a new one will be immediately generated! Note that you can repeat this operation endlessly.

Everyone can use the Scan button, that opens your camera in order to scan the QR Code. At the moment the feature lets you create a contact in the phone’s address book.

Currently, the feature is only available to users who had enrolled for WhatsApp’s Beta program. It will be rolled out soon in the full version.

It's useless to delete the phone number from the screenshot if you didn't reset the QR code. The WhatsApp code is very powerful and it's able to detect the QR code even if you cover a small portion of it.

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